

Congratulations! You're one step closer to launching YOUR online business.

The questionnaire below contains 12 questions and takes 5-10 minutes to complete. 

Please select ONE option per question, the one that BEST fits where you are today!  

 We can't wait to hear from you! 

FULL Name*
Email Address*
how can we help you pursue your ambition?*
I want to unlock my earning potential.
I want to spend more time with my family and set my schedule.
I want to be the boss.
I want to work at something I love and feel passionate about. 
I want to build financial security.
finish the sentence,
"right now, I ...*
don't yet have an idea for my business."
have an idea but don't know how to create a business from it." 
have an idea, and I'm ready get started and launch my business."
own a business but want to re-launch to make it more successful."
have a business and want to scale it to increase revenue and serve more people."
what is your biggest obstacle
to starting an online business?*
(requires a minimum of 10 characters)
0 of 500
My budget to start (or grow) my business is ...*
 $0 - $2,000
 $3,000 - $5,000
 $6,000 - $10,000
 $11,000 - $50,000
 $51,000 +
I'm am new to online business.
I tried to start an online business but didn't actually launch or open.
I'm running an online business on the side but want to do it full-time.
I'm running an online business but am struggling to grow it.
what is your biggest obstacle to starting an online business?*
currently, my online presence includes ...*
No presence, I'm ready for help to get started launching my online business.
My domain name.
My website. 
My community/followers on social media (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc.)
My products on a sales platform (Amazon, Etsy, Shopify, etc.) 
my idea of a perfect afternoon is ...*
I love going out and being with my closest friends.
My favorite time is a quiet afternoon home with family.
I enjoy talking and sharing ideas with people around me at a coffee shop.
I love curling up in a corner with my phone or a great book.
I am energized and excited at large parties where I can meet new people.
the thing holding me back from starting my business (or making my business as successful as i want) is ...*
Finding an idea that creates a profitable business.
Having the confidence to put my ideas and work out for others to see. 
Finding the time to work on my business.
Raising the money to launch my business. 
Knowing what actions to take each day that will create profit in my business.
my timeline to start my business is ...*
I am excited and ready to start now!
In the next 3-6 months. 
Within this year.
In the next 1-2 years. 
It's my 3-5 year plan.
my profit goal for my business is ...*
To supplement my current income to have spending money and fun money. 
To transition away from my job and go full time in my business.
To create a solid living that fully pays all my bills and provides for my family.
To transform my financial life, 10x my income, and create freedom and choices.
To build a legacy of wealth for future generations of my family. 
what are you hoping to achieve by joining
accelerated ascent academy?*
(Requires a minimum of 10 characters) 
0 of 500
How did you learn about
accelerated ascent academy?*
Webinar / Live Event
Google Search
Ascent Accelerator Newsletter
Accelerated Ascent Website
A Colleague or Friend
AA Favicon

Let's Bring Your Ambition to Life!

We're here to help you step by step, so that you can make smart, confident decisions, take the right actions (in the right order and at the right time), and avoid wasting time and money trying to figure it out on your own. 


Why We Are Here For You


We are here to inspire entrepreneurs to pursue their ambition!

We envision a world where entrepreneurs empower each other to break boundaries, exceed expectations, and succeed beyond current possibilities. We believe the best way to create a higher destiny is to take action with H.O.P.E.! 

When you Join 


Go from Undiscovered to Undeniable with: 

  • The 5-Step Accelerated Ascent Pyramid 
  • A Customized Business Plan Audit
  • Personalized Reviews and Exclusive 1:1 Coaching for Your Business and Launch
  • Unlimited Bi-WEEKLY Group Coaching Sessions
  • Member Exclusive Webinars
  • Exclusive, Interactive Community of Like-Minded Ambitious Entrepreneurs
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